MDEQ Preaches Stewardship
Compare the Flint water disaster with the bluster and posturing of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) in its draft Water Strategy published last year (p.4):
“Inspire Stewardship for Clean Water – Most importantly, Michigan residents need greater opportunities to learn about water. Michigan is surrounded by 20 percent of the world’s fresh surface water, and with that comes a deep ethical obligation to be good and thoughtful stewards of this global treasure. A shared water ethic will guide Michigan into the future and ensure our children and future generations will have the same or better quality of life than we have today. The durability of this Strategy and ensuring the health of our water resources for generations to come depends on creating a culture of stewardship through lifelong education about water.” (Emphasis added.)
“We call on all people of Michigan to be thoughtful and engaged stewards of our water resources.”
What duplicity!
Read the comments of Laura Rubin, Executive Director of the Huron River Watershed Council in HRWC's February Update under the heading "Flint Water Crisis: an HRWC perspective." Laura has articulated very well what many of us have been thinking, supplemented by poignant historical background.