A Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) document cited by Oakland County states, in part, “Sediment is the greatest pollutant by volume entering our lakes and streams…” and “Construction is one of the major causes of erosion in Michigan.”
http://www.oakgov.com/water/Documents/deq-wd-swqas-sesc-frequentquestions.pdfAre chemical clumping agents (flocculants) used in the preparation of potable water also suitable to remove sediment in stormwater runoff? That question led to research under the direction of Professor Steve Druschel at Mankato State University in Minnesota.
Three such agents of 21 tested held promise in treating a wide range of sediment types.
The research was focused on runoff from road construction sites at the behest of the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). An MnDOT spokesman said that they’re hoping to come up with a portable water treatment plant.
Environmental impacts haven’t been determined yet.
Doesn't it seem likely that the same chemical agents could be introduced to remove sediment in combined sewers or at Retention/Treatment Basins?
Doesn't it seem likely that the same chemical agents could be introduced to remove sediment in combined sewers or at Retention/Treatment Basins?
Shannon Fiecke wrote about the development in Crossroads, the Minnesota Transportation Research Blog, September 15, 2014.